“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being” Hafiz
Eric and I got married on June 15, 2013, which makes this week super special.
We were married at my elementary school, under a graduation tent. During the reception the kids played in the creek and on the swings. We had our ceremony on what’s called the ‘play barn,’ or a wooden stage where I also performed so many plays and sang so many songs as a kid. In short, our wedding was relaxed, informal, and exactly what we wanted.
I’m really proud that we’ve kept up a good relationship while he’s in school and working and I’m building my business. It’s been quite the ride!
2 years into our marriage and I love the life that we’re building together. I truly do.
♥ ♥ ♥
My youngest sibling also graduated from high school last week and between watching her move into a new phase of her life and reflecting back on my wedding, I’ve been thinking a lot about transitions.
Each new phase of our lives gives us a reason to pause. I love transitions, even though they generally also make me nervous (I doubt I’m alone in that!).
Even within the anxiety of doing something new, there’s always a moment to choose: we can move quickly as possible just to get to the other side, or we can use the transition as a reminder to pause.
You can use the time to feel what’s shifting for you.
This year I’ve been increasingly drawn to the passing of time each day (sunrise, sunset, evenings, mornings). Painting these shifts has been SO FUN and reminds me why I love preserving one moment in time through paint.
I love that a sunrise is so beautiful that we generally allow ourselves a moment to stop and look. What I love more is that each of us has our own set of unique memories, a connection back to a past sunrise and the life that we led at the time.
Honor where you were and honor where you are.
I’m more convinced than ever: our joy lives in these little, quiet moments.
Sunrise — this week’s painting
Painting transitions has been such an interesting experiment in staying present and celebrating change as it happens.
What transition can you celebrate today?
♥ ♥ ♥
Last but not least, I’ve added some new art to the shop! The following designs are now available as art prints (with and without the 11 x 14 mat). Check out the shop for more details.
Have a beautiful day. Honor each shift in the day as a reason to pause, feel, and listen.
With love,
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